The brief for this holiday house just included the minimum requirements of a small size
dwelling. A couple of bedrooms, a study, two bathrooms, an open living area, car parks
and services.
Two parameters are the germen of the design. The first one is the location of the site.
Close to a cliff of two hundred metres high and facing first-line views of the sea, the plot
is permanently affected by southeast winds. It is an isolated piece of land with a gentle
gradient and a generous area (5,000 m²). The second is the character of the owner.
A single, young engineer, fond of windsurfing and outdoor activities with a busy career
and active social life.
The first decision, given the extension of the place and the potential of the great location,
was to multiply the views and conquer the natural slope. The second was to split the
functions of the house into two recognizable volumes.
Semi-buried in the natural topography, the house spread itself over the terrain occupying
a series of small terraces that allow the pedestrian to access the interior. From the car
park to the main hallway, a cascade of stairs, planters, and retention walls create a
promenade that enjoys the views of the place and blends the construction with the
natural landscape.
Because of the client’s activities, this refuge offers two main areas. First, the decking
“board”, receives all the public activities. This works like a semi-buried bridge that copes
with the gradient. This large balcony that faces the sea provides a second way of
access through the second level. Secondly, the white box, the “sail”, a construction of
two-story levels contains the main bedroom, bathrooms and study.
These two volumes are arranged in an L shape, protects the exterior courtyard on the
ground floor from the prominent winds.
Coincidentally, both elements form a “windsurf board” a metaphor that synthesises the
spirit of the place and the brief from the client. Even though, the project gathers many
different elements in its composition the outcome is unitarian and coherent.
Material: Reinforced concrete, timber, and glass. Area: 110 m²